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Speak Up Session! March 9, 2024

In this week's Speak Up Session, We want to see who's going to become India's next leader. Below is a Script of a Short Speech. We want to see who can do the Best Dramatic Reading of the Same! "Little Leader, Big Dreams"

Good morning, everyone! My name is _______, and I have some big dreams for our country. You see, I want to be the Prime Minister of India one day. I know I'm just a kid, but I believe that even small voices can make a big difference.

India is a land of diverse cultures, and I want to make sure that everyone's voice is heard. We should all be friends, no matter where we come from. I dream of schools where every child has the opportunity to learn and grow, no matter how rich or poor they are.
And let's take care of our beautiful planet! I promise to plant more trees and keep our rivers clean because a healthy environment means a healthy India.

So, my friends, if you choose me to be your little leader, together, we can make India an even more incredible place. Thank you! -x-x-x-x- Record a video of you doing this dramatic reading the best recordings will be placed on our Website!